Tuesday 20 August 2013

Summer Sangria

Summer is full of so many good things! There's the sunshine, beaches, beach reads, fresh fruit, gardening, and of course lounging outside on the patio!
I love when I can sit outside in my backyard with some good eats, a pitcher of sangria and just enjoy the day!

Yum! Doesn't it just look so refreshing and delicious? Sangria is a perfect summer drink and it is so easy to make!! I love making it when I have company coming over because it is always a hit!
I have two standard Sangria recipes that I use 1 for red wine and 1 for white wine.

White Wine Sangria
1 bottle cheap white wine
(seriously don't waste your money on the good stuff! It won't taste anywhere near as good!)
1/2 a pear sliced
1/2 a golden delicious or granny smith apple sliced
1 Tbs sugar
1 shot liquor of your choice
(in this case I used coconut rum but really just go with what you love!)
ginger ale or 7up to your taste
(I usually use cans and just add it to the cup when I pour so it doesn't go flat if I don't finish it)

And voila a beautiful summer beverage!! If you can make your sangria (without adding the ginge rale or 7up) at least a half hour ahead of time so the flavors can mingle! But really the more time it's mixed and sitting in your fridge the better it'll taste! When I know I'm going to have some company I'll often make it the night before or morning of and have it ready in the fridge when my guests arrive.

Red Wine Sangria

1 bottle cheap red wine 
(seriously don't waste your money on the good stuff! It won't taste anywhere near as good!)
1 lemon sliced
1 orange sliced
1 Tbs sugar
1 shot liquor of your choice 
(I have used crown royal, rum, vodka honestly whatever I have on hand and it always tastes good so use what you have or think would taste good!)
ginger ale or 7up to your taste
(I usually use cans and just add it to the cup when I pour so it doesn't go flat if I don't finish it)

Now these are just two versions of sangria, you can be so creative with this drink! I have used strawberries, cherries, raspberries, peaches, nectarines and they have all come out lovely! So play around with it until you find the perfect recipe for you!!

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