Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Crochet By Megs Book Club!

I thought it would be fun to start a book club! A chance to share some of the incredible reads out there with you! If you are anything like me you are a voracious reader! Once one book is done you are reaching for the next unable to quench your need for the written word!
Seriously I have a pile of about 10-15 books on loan from the library at any one time... And I had so much fun during my summer of mysteries and being able to share them with you I thought this would be a great opportunity to keep it going!
So here's how it'll work out! I will let you know what the book club pick is and we'll check back here in six weeks to see what everyone thought! You can read along with me (6 weeks is a pretty easy timeline right?) or you can just use this as a lovely place to get book recommendations for future reads!
The first book to be selected is....... (I feel like there should be a drumroll here)...........

The Mesmerist by Barbara Ewing

A friend recommended this book to me and promised I wouldn't be disappointed!
So here's hoping it's as good as she says! 
(I'm sure it will be as her recommendations are always awesome!)
What do you think? Will you be joining in on the book club fun or do you have a stack of books already calling your name? 

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